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We are excited to announce the Oxford Probability Workshop: Random Discrete Structures! 


The aim of this workshop is to showcase research related to random trees and graphs, and serve as a meeting place for junior researchers in probability theory. The target audience is mainly (but not limited to) PhD-students and postdocs. 


We have confirmed the following list of mini-course speakers:


          Daniel Ahlberg (Stockholm University)

          Igor Kortchemski (ÉNS Paris)

          Cécile Mailler (University of Bath)


as well as the following invited speakers:


         Gabriel Hernán Berzunza Ojeda (University of Liverpool)

         Sam Olesker-Taylor (University of Warwick)

         Gesine Reinert (University of Oxford)

         Minmin Wang (University of Sussex)​​

Organizers: Julien Berestycki, David Geldbach, Christina Goldschmidt, and Rivka Mitchell

Contact: discretestructures2025 at gmail dot com


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